Web Development - Making a form

Tags used in this lesson

    Input type = "Text": This is where you can get keyboard input from a user. This can be used to get first and last names along with complex/long location names.
    Select: This is also know as a drop down list, this can be used when there is a moderate amount of info being asked.
    Option: Option is basicly just the possible answers that the user can pick.
    Input type = "Radio" : Radio buttons are used when you want the test taker to only select one answer.
    Input type = "Checkbox" : Checkboxes can be used when you want multiple answers at once.

Favorite Fast Food

  1. First, ask the user their first and last name. Use the input type "text" and set it to 25 size. It should like something like this <input type="text" size="25">

  2. Next, lets make a drop-down list that askes their favorite place to eat.
    • First, start with typing <select>
    • Next, desplay the quick by typing, <option selected>Pick your favorite fast food for the list:
    • After that make as many options you want like this, <option> Name
    • When you are done making your options, close it by doing <select>

  3. Now we are going to ask what their perfered time to go to that restaurant
    • First, start with typing <input type="radio" name="best"> Breakfast
    • Make 2 others for Noon and for Dinner

  4. Lastly we are going to make one for their favorite food
    • First, start with typing <input type="checkbox"> Name
    • Make as many as you want